Letter addressed to??? , Minister for Finance concerning the
seizure of goods of smuggling.
Office Criminal
N° 10,064 D3
Paris, the thermidor29 year
7th of the Republic one and indivisible
The Minister for Justice
To the Minister for Finance
(2° Division, 1° Section, Gr f 92°12)
The Director of the Jury of the District of
Pontarlier, Department of Doubs, actually consulted me, dear
colleague, on the question which is the subject of your letter of
the 16 this month. I forward to you the copy of the answer that I
made him the 14 of this same month.
Hello and fraternity
Copy Paris, thermidor 14 an 7th
The Minister for Justice
To the Director of the Jury of District of Pontarlier, Dept
of Doubs.
The estimate whose the article speaks about the
law about prairial 11 (...), having for goal
to fix the share of the fine which, according to the law of the
brumaire 10 of year 5, must be triple value of the confiscated goods;
it is necessary that it is done according to the legal forms; thus
condemned which still has interest with this estimate under the
report/ratio of the fixing of the fine, must name an Expert of his
share, and fault by him of naming some, it must be named of it one
of office by the Court. The managers of the customs have also
faculty to name one of them, and if the two Experts do not agree,
the Court will name an Third Expert to decide
between them; the challenge of the Experts, can also take place,
according to the forms and within the given periods of time by the
Ordinance of 1667 which, not being repealed in this respect, must
continue to have its execution, with regard to the
commissioner of the executive Directory, it does not have any
function to fill, at the time of the operations of the Experts; but
it must be heard on all the points on which the Court has to
pronounce. Signed Cambaceres